Saturday, 17 May 2014

Annual 'stocktake'

Since having multiple youtube channels, it hasn't been easy to work out the total number of video views I receive across all of my channels.  About 2 years ago, I created a spreadsheet document to tally the figures, and I did the same on the corresponding weekend last year.

I've just completed another annual tally, and, combined, my music video channels have received approximately 11.5 million views, which is up approximately 3.7 million (~47%) from this time last year... although in raw figures, I've only gained about 480,000 additional views in the last 12 month period over the previous one.  Not that I'm bothered; if anything it probably reflects that I've generally uploaded more-obscure videos over the last year than previously... as well as an increase in the number of videos blocked worldwide, which are usually the more 'popular' ones (well, popular enough for the record company to notice).

Of the 861 videos I've uploaded to youtube, 78 of them (~9%) are blocked worldwide... leaving 783 videos that are available for viewing.  However, of these, there were 2 or 3 that were only available in states of the former Yugoslavia, or Jersey (i.e. probably countries that the youtube filter overlooked), and one (by the Bangles, curiously), that is only available in Australia.

I'm still quite (pleasantly) surprised at the combined number of views my youtube channels receive, as originally, the loose 'concept' binding my channels together was that I tried to upload videos for lesser-known/less successful tracks/artists.  It goes to show that there is a 'market' out there for these tracks/videos after all.

Earlier this year, I started to run out of ideas for videos to upload, but since I have been going through my DVD's (including many that are not yet catalogued), I've found a stack of (generally more-obscure) clips that are not on youtube, or that are on youtube, but I have in higher quality.  I've also recently taken on board some suggestions for uploads from subscribers - that is, if I have the video in my collection, which is another good source of ideas.